Flying Boat Follow-up

While I was rounding up info links for the previous entry, I stumbled across something pretty cool: it seems there’s a Flying Boat Museum in Foynes, Ireland, which was one of the refueling stops for the Pan-Am Clippers on the North Atlantic run between New York and Great Britain. (It was also, according to lore, the place where Irish coffee was first concocted, a notable historical first as well.) The Foynes Flying Boat Museum is apparently the only aviation museum in Ireland, and the only one in the entire world dedicated to the flying boats. All of which is noteworthy, but the thing that really caught my interest is that this museum has a full-scale replica of a Boeing 314!


Based on the museum’s 314 photo gallery, it looks fairly complete and accurate, inside and out. It may not be a real Clipper, but I’d guess it’s as close to real as we can get in this graceless age of ours. This is definitely something to put on my “places to visit” list.

And hey, Jimmy Buffett has been there! Just in case you need anything more to pique your interest!


One comment on “Flying Boat Follow-up

  1. Dave

    Okay, that is pretty f-n cool. When are we going on that trip to Ireland? Oh, and Scotland as well, we need our fill of clans and tartans…