First, for any who may be wondering, the Odd Fellows Hall building I referenced in the previous entry successfully crossed Market Street yesterday, creating a really odd sight for anyone who happened to walk past the intersection of Market and Main. (Basically, Market dead-ended in a three-story brick wall for a good part of the day). The building still needs to be shoved sideways onto its new foundation — which I guess gives the forces of entropy one last chance to try and implode the old thing into a dusty heap of shattered masonry — but at this point I think the worst threat of it crumbling is past. Now all I have to do is get over the cognitive dissonance caused by having a big old building standing on the wrong side of the street!
Secondly, if you didn’t see it, there was a very nice tribute to John Hughes in the New York Times a few days ago, written by the actress Molly Ringwald. She, of course, starred in three of Hughes’ best-loved movies, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink. She reminisces about working with Hughes and the impact he had on her life and career, and also reveals some interesting personal details, such as the fact that Hughes held grudges, and both she and co-star Anthony Michael Hall felt like they ended up on the receiving end of them. It’s a very heartfelt piece of writing from a woman who was in many ways a proxy for we children of the ’80s; here she plays that role one last time to tell us what our friend and big brother John was really like.
Oh, and this is probably really dumb, but it makes me happy to think that she and Hall are still friends enough that they called one another after John died, and also that… well, I’ll let you see for yourself how Molly’s article ends…
In Theaters, Summer of 2020: Sixteen More Candles starring Mathilda Ringwald as Samantha.
What do you think, Jason, is that an 80’s film sequel that you can get behind? Of course, there is the matter of who will direct…
Maybe if it’s directed by Anthony Michael Hall…
I suspect, however, that you are mocking me.