TV Title Sequences: Ally McBeal

I haven’t done one of these in a long time, and in light of the previous entry, this one seems appropriate:

So, you know what I was saying in the previous entry about not remembering Ally McBeal very well? I’d totally spaced that Courtney Thorne-Smith and Greg Germann were in this show. It all seems like a dream that’s evaporated before you make it from your bed to the bathroom for your morning rituals…

I really like that song, though, for whatever that’s worth…


2 comments on “TV Title Sequences: Ally McBeal

  1. Tiff

    This used to be my favorite show! It was quirky and a little strange, but funny. I actually own all three musice CD’s from the show (most of the songs performed by Vonda Shepard, great singer). Dancing baby anyone? Anyone?

  2. jason

    Hey, Tiff, hope things are going well for you guys. I’ve got two of the three CDs you mention, and mom and dad have the third — great stuff! I understand there was a Christmas album, too, all stuff used in the holiday-themed episodes, but I never picked that one up…