Only with Less Smoking

Hey, kids… sorry for the long silence, for which I was thoroughly excoriated in an email from one of you netcrap-cravin’ Loyal Readers earlier today. To explain, I was out of town for a couple of days this weekend. Before that, I was preparing to go out of town. After that, I was recovering from being out of town. You get the idea.

I’m afraid I still don’t have too much to offer my poor audience this afternoon, but since some of you are apparently feeling abandoned — again, my apologies — here’s a neat-o self-portrait of what I would’ve looked like if I’d been an agency proofreader about 45 years ago:

Not too different, really, although I haven’t worn a tie in years. If I had to wear a tie to work, though, a skinny vintage one with a cool diamond design would be just the ticket.

I built this little amusement at, a promotional site for the AMC television series Mad Men. I don’t have cable myself, so I’ve been unable to follow the show on any kind of regular basis, but I have caught a few episodes and, I have to admit, my day job is frighteningly similar to what you see on this series, just with less smoking and lunchtime drinking. Well, less smoking anyhow…

I found the link to the MadMen-izer via my friend Karen. If you go over there, make sure you have your speakers or headphones on so you can soak in the lounge-tastic background music…


3 comments on “Only with Less Smoking

  1. Cranky Robert

    From earlier today . . .
    An Open Letter to Simple Tricks and Nonsense
    Dear Editor:
    On behalf of your Three Loyal Readers, I write to demand that you resume providing us with quality net crap on a daily, bi-daily, or at least semi-weekly basis. With teenagers going crazy and shoving things up their butts (, stuff crashing into Jupiter (, and other exciting things happening nearly every day, the dearth of new content on your site is inexcusable.
    We realize that you have work and a life, and that you are still traumatized by the death of Michael Jackson, but this is ridiculous. The fortieth anniversary of the moon landing was sooooo ten days ago.
    The other Loyal Readers and I hope that you will take this letter in the spirit in which it is intended: the verbal equivalent of a merciless ass-whupping for not giving us any new net crap for ten fricken days already.
    So, pretty please, with sugar on top, more net crap.
    Yours in friendship,
    Cranky Robert
    P.S. More net crap.

  2. jason

    Robert, I was trying to be diplomatic by not naming names. You have now outed yourself as the netcrap craver. Hope you can live with that…

  3. Cranky Robert

    Jason, you are a true gentleman.