Speaking of Good Causes…


My buddy Jack Hattaway is preparing to ride in his second Lotoja Classic, a 206-mile bicycle race that runs from Logan, Utah, to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in September. This time, however, he’s doing it to raise funds for the important research being done high on the hill above our fair city at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Jack was planning to ride again anyhow, but he was inspired to make this year’s race a bit more meaningful after watching a good friend battle — and defeat — melanoma. As it happens, The Girlfriend and I have recently had our own experiences with cancer and the Huntsman Institute — not us, but involving people that matter to us — so it’s a cause near to our hearts as well. If my loyal readers will forgive me, I’m again going to ask everyone reading this to consider throwing in a couple of bucks for a worthy goal.

You can learn more details about Jack and why he’s doing this at his donation page. I hope you’ll click through and at least give it some thought.

If you’re interested in the Lotoja Classic, here’s the official site for that. And lastly, here is the little blurb I wrote about Jack’s participation in the event last year.


2 comments on “Speaking of Good Causes…

  1. The Girlfriend

    Considering my mom is currently being treated at the Huntsman center, I’ll be making a donation as soon as I can.

  2. jason

    That would be one of the personal experiences I was hinting at, hon. Wasn’t sure you wanted to go public with that. I guess you don’t mind. 🙂