It’s Really a Beautiful Old Universe, Isn’t It?

Galactic Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party from William Castleman on Vimeo.

I have nothing else to say about this, except to note that as best I can determine it is not faked or “enhanced” with special effects. This is our galaxy, our neighborhood, our place in the cosmos. And I wish somebody would hurry up with inventing that dang warp drive already so we could get out there for a good, close-up look…


2 comments on “It’s Really a Beautiful Old Universe, Isn’t It?

  1. Konstantin

    I keep watching the show for two days now. It amazes me that you can see that from Earth without a help from telescope.
    For the city folk like myself you get your two three constelations during night times, nothing more. Too much glare and such.
    The largest amount of stars I ever saw in life was during a visit to Poconoes in PA.

  2. jason

    When I was a kid, my hometown was still pretty rural and we had a great view of the stars. Nothing like this video, but pretty good for civilization. With each passing year, though, the glare has gotten worse as the valley has developed and filled in.
    The final blow came last fall, when the empty field next to my house was turned into a parking lot with about 40% more lighting than they actually need there. All I can see now is Orion and the Big Dipper.
    I wish those “dark sky” initiatives could make some headway…