Which Famous Adventurer Am I?

I haven’t done a silly Internet quiz in a while, so I happily followed Michael May‘s example with this one. The questions were leading — if you’re into adventure stories at all, you’ll easily guess which character each question is describing — but it killed five minutes and I’m pleased with the results:

Which Adventurer Are You?Quiz brought to you by
Tripbase – Vacation Ideas

If you’ve never read King Solomon’s Mines, run to the library or click over to Amazon straightaway. It’s a great tale, even if it is an obvious product of its times (i.e., it’s Victorian, and that includes Victorian attitudes toward race and gender), and Quatermain is an obvious inspiration for the quintessential adventurer of modern pop culture, Indiana Jones, if that piques your interest at all. There have been two film versions that I’m familiar with, the 1950 version with Deborah Kerr and Stewart Granger (which is pretty fun), and the 1985 version with Richard Chamberlain and a young Sharon Stone (this one can be a certain kind fun if you’re into bad movies, but be warned before you press “play” that it can’t be described as “good” in any of the usual ways). And of course Sean Connery played Quatermain in the execrable film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; he was the only good thing about that pile of steaming camel dung…


3 comments on “Which Famous Adventurer Am I?

  1. Ilya

    Same as me. The choices for other characters (Indy, Frodo, who are the other two?) were too graphicly wacky, compared to Quatermain.

  2. Konstantin

    I loved the Chamberlain movie.

  3. jason

    Ilya, I’m pretty sure the other choices were Conan the Barbarian (one of the questions mentioned Crom, who is Conan’s god) and MacGyver (all the stuff about building improbable devices out of bits of trash).
    Konstantin, I haven’t seen the Chamberlain version in a long time. I was probably comparing it too much to Raiders when I saw it in my younger days…