If You’ll Just Get on Board…

My friend Karen points us today to a strange little website based on the following premise: “If we started a movie on the day you were born, and stretched it over your lifespan, this is where you’d be in that movie.”

You enter your birthdate and how long you expect to live, select your favorite movie from a list of well-known options, and the site will show you which scene in the film corresponds to the current moment of your life. My three loyal readers can, of course, guess which film I chose… it seems I’m right at the point where Han Solo is ushering his nervous passengers toward their ticket off Tatooine.

On the positive side, the really fun part of the movie is still ahead. Hopefully that says something about my life…


5 comments on “If You’ll Just Get on Board…

  1. Konstantin

    I am at the point where Luke is getting the darkened helmet to practice with the lightsaber.

  2. chenopup

    How many years did you choose? My fam tends to kick off late in life so I chose 99 – Put me in the Cantina Scene, so I still need to have Obi Wan lop an arm off, meet Han, sell the speeder because I’m never coming back to this rock again and then perhaps I’ll be where you are in age. 😉

  3. jason

    Cheno, I put in 90 years. My dad’s parents were both thereabouts when they passed away; mom’s parents were younger, but I’m choosing to be optimistic. 🙂
    Konstantin, what did you enter? I have the impression that you’re younger than me (I’m 39).

  4. Cranky Robert

    This is genius. R2 still thinks he can beat Chewbacca at chess. Dorothy has met the Scarecrow and the Tin Man, but not yet the Cowardly Lion. The Dude is about to get his car back.

  5. jason

    Hey, Robert, you back from New York?