Good lord… I’m offline for a few days and Bea Arthur dies, the news media does its best to convince everyone that Captain Trips has broken out and we’re all doomed, some bonehead decides it’d be really cool to photograph Air Force One over New York City without bothering to tell everyone not to panic when they see a low-flying jumbo jet being pursued by an F-16, and Arlen Specter switches parties.

You know, sometimes it’s a good thing to be uninformed about what’s going on in the world…

(Incidentally, my weekend road trip was grand. There was naturally a huge backlog waiting for me at the office this morning, but I’ll try to find the time to jot down some travel stories in the next little while…)


5 comments on “WTF?

  1. The Girlfriend

    WFT?!?!?!?! Bea Arthur died?????

  2. jason

    Yep. Saturday, age 86.

  3. Jen B

    That whole photo-op story made me laugh… in a sad way. You’d think somebody would have thought that might not be a good idea, without letting key people know (like maybe Everyone in New York City).

  4. Ilya

    You hit on one of the reasons I like traveling so much, Jason. Escapism, in its most pleasant form.

  5. Konstantin

    That’s why you should never stay away for too long. You can come back to a totally different world.