You Can’t Know What It’s Like To Be Almost… a God…

What follows is without a doubt the most obscure LOLcat I’ve ever posted here at Simple Tricks… possibly the most obscure one I’ve ever seen, for that matter. I think I have maybe two readers who will get this one (no need to stand or anything, you know who you are). But I get it, and I think it’s pretty damn funny:

Gary Mitchell cat

This came from our old friend, The Bad Astronomer. I believe he created it, too, the clever fellow.

(Note: If you don’t get it, I doubt an explanation will make it seem any funnier, but you can always try. Go here and here for the necessary context.)


3 comments on “You Can’t Know What It’s Like To Be Almost… a God…

  1. Jaquandor


  2. jason

    You would be one of the two readers I had in mind! 🙂

  3. Ann Vallier

    Ooohhh… That’s a good one. Took me a sec or two. Gotta share this with the hubs.