Saturday Morning Star Wars Net Crap

Ever wonder what it might’ve been like if, instead of a hugely successful feature film, Star Wars had been a late-70s television series with a disco-flavored theme song? Sure you have:

For you younglings in the audience, the music and visual stylings of this piece are derived from the opening of Dallas, a primetime soap opera about rich, conniving, nasty people with better sex lives than you. Dallas led to the pinnacle (or nadir, depending on how you look at it) of ’80s television, Dynasty, which in turn begat Falcon Crest and god only knows how many lesser rip-offs.

I’m impressed at how well the Dallas theme and style works with Star Wars footage, and also amused that the creator of this mash-up included “the men in the masks” in the credits. Of course, in my world, the Death Star explosion doesn’t result in one of those lame “Praxis-effect” plasma rings, but that’s my grumpy-old-fanboy side speaking up again and we won’t indulge him today.

More fun stuff below the fold…

From the guy who made the Star Wars/Dallas mash-up, here’s the same idea using Airwolf as inspiration:

(For comparison, here is the entry where I included Airwolf in my TV Title Sequences category.)

And here are a couple of other items I’ve been intending to post forever and a day, both courtesy of SamuraiFrog. The first is Star Wars presented as a silent movie:

And here’s a funny little piece called “How Star Wars Should Have Ended”:

I have to admit, this makes a good point about Leia’s, ahem, “plan.” But I’ve never had a problem with the Death Star having to make its way around Yavin to reach the rebel base; I guess I’ve always just assumed that “enough power to destroy an entire planet” referred only to small, Earth-type planets (what they called M-class in Star Trek), not gas giants, which would require significantly more juice.

God, I’m a nerd.


8 comments on “Saturday Morning Star Wars Net Crap

  1. Cranky Robert

    I think the World Wide Web is probably 78% porn, 13% Star Wars net crap, 5% skateboard/bike/skiing accidents, and 4% news and commentary.
    This is as it should be.

  2. jason

    Sounds like about the right proportions to me.
    I wonder if the guys at DARPA back in the ’70s had any idea they were inventing the most efficient delivery mechanism for porn and pop-cultural detritus ever conceived by man?

  3. The Girlfriend

    So what’s the percentage for Star Wars porn?

  4. jason

    I’m not sure I want to know…

  5. Konstantin

    OH, man. Airwolf. I totally forgot about that show. Awesome stuff.
    Anyway, the Dallas and Airwolf themese are great!

  6. jason

    Glad you enjoyed them, Konstantin. I miss the days of memorable TV themes, myself. Very few shows have themes at all nowadays, let alone good ones…

  7. Brian Greenberg

    Star Wars porn = metallic bikinis and giant slug-like warlords.
    Not a pretty sight…

  8. jason

    I got no problem with metallic bikinis, but even I am not enough of a fanboy to watch porn featuring giant slug-like warlords.
    Although I suppose Ron Jeremy had a pretty successful career in the adult film industry, didn’t he? Hm.