All Hail Our New Currency

The way the economy’s been lately, I wouldn’t be surprised if these end up being worth more than good old-fashioned dollars:

Starbuck by `diablo2003 on deviantART

They’re certainly cooler looking than U.S. greenbacks. The design was apparently created for a Star Wars convention that was held a couple years ago, according to the artist’s notes. I don’t know if it was ever actually printed in faux-currency form or not; if it was, I wouldn’t mind having a couple for my collection, so if anyone knows where I can get some, give a shout, okay?

Via Boing Boing, of course…


4 comments on “All Hail Our New Currency

  1. Cranky Robert

    I don’t know where you get them, but I can give you 2,000 now and 15,000 when we reach Alderaan.

  2. jason

    Seventeen, huh? Okay, you guys got yourselves a blogger. I’ll write as soon as I’m ready…

  3. Brian Greenberg

    Not to be the wet blanket here, but Star Wars happened “a long time ago…”, right? I’d expect the currency to look more like the coins of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome than 21st century American bills…

  4. jason

    Well, it was in another galaxy, so the “long ago” wouldn’t necessarily have any correlation to our “long ago.”
    But you’re probably right, considering the only time we actually see any money in the SW films is when Han tosses a coin to the Mos Eisley bartender and apologizes for spraying Greedo all over the walls.
    God, I’m a nerd.