Cool Ads for Lousy Movies

Here’s something fun for your St. Patty’s Day, a trio of ads for a New Zealand TV network’s upcoming airing of the execrable movie Alien vs. Predator (not to be confused with the excellent four-part comic-book miniseries Aliens versus Predator, which was published in the early ’90s). The movie stinks, but I love the clever ads, especially this one:


As always, click to embiggenate.

Via the Bad Astronomer, who dubbed the campaign “beyond awesome.” Total agreement here.


6 comments on “Cool Ads for Lousy Movies

  1. Cranky Robert

    Jason, I thought you opposed pointless embellishments like adding “-ate” to verbs that are perfectly cromulent by themselves. Sheesh.

  2. jason

    I have no defense for that. You’ve caught me red-handed in my moment of hypocrisy. I shall now hang up my proofreading pen and retire in ignominy.

  3. Keith

    Jason I have to admit I’ve hated the word “embiggen” ever since you first started using it. Add to it Robert’s “cromulent” and I had to google it… So its the Simpson’s fault. I guess that makes it a little more palatable, but embiggen just sounds so…so…lower than pedestrian. Let’s call it sub-plebian.

  4. Keith

    PS Nice add

  5. jason

    “Sub-plebian” is a good word. I’ll have to look for opportunities to use that one…
    Anyhow, yes, “embiggen” and “cromulent” are gags from The Simpsons. They’re in pretty common usage in my usual circles of the ‘net (i.e., the blogs I enjoy reading), so naturally I assumed everyone would catch the reference. Sorry for the discomfort. 🙂

  6. Brian Greenberg

    Thank you for explainiating…