Pin-Up Therapy

Sometimes, when everything is grim and the world is going to hell around you, the best thing to do is just try and regress back in your mind to the age of about fifteen or so. I find that looking at pretty girls helps (specifically, non-trashy-douchebag-loving girls). If there aren’t any real, live pretty girls in the vicinity (or if they all happen to be of the TBL variety that was infesting the mall yesterday), I tend to prefer some old-fashioned pin-up art, the sort of thing that goes by the name of cheesecake or “good girl art.” Here’s a nice example I picked up in my blog-reading:

Valkyrie by Gene Gonzales

I have no idea who this character is — she apparently comes from a comic-book called Airboy, which I am totally unfamiliar with (although it sounds like the sort of thing I’d probably groove on) — but I like the drape of her jodhpurs. This sketch is by Gene Gonzales, via Michael May. Gene’s got a lot of other fun pieces over at his blog, including a nifty refutation of George Lucas’ odd notion that there aren’t any foundational undergarments in his far, far away galaxy…

Ah, girls. I feel better now…
