2009 Oscars “In Memoriam” Tribute… Now With Less Annoying Camerawork!

For anyone who was annoyed with the way the “in memoriam” montage was handled on this year’s Oscar broadcast, here it is as it should’ve been done on TV, with no annoying cutaways or zooms:

I thought it was nice they included Vampira, who was hardly a big star outside of cult-film circles but was beloved by those who like that sort of thing.


2 comments on “2009 Oscars “In Memoriam” Tribute… Now With Less Annoying Camerawork!

  1. Ilya

    I don’t remember the one from last year, but in years past I think the clips or images – one per person, except major stars, – were moving in too quick a succession. It felt… fleeting, I guess, is the word I’m looking for. I like how this one looked, with several cuts of each person, making each remembrance more substantial.

  2. jason

    I agree, Ilya. Without searching the web for the earlier montages (you know they’ve got to be out there somewhere), I have the same general impression you do about the past years.
    One nice thing about this year’s approach — i.e., using multiple clips of the same person — is that it takes into account how long many people’s careers are; we don’t always remember that someone did a particular role early in their life, or we remember them as only looking a certain way. This method lets us have more of an impression of an overall life.