When You Lift Me Up

WHEREAS: Life in the 21st century pretty much sucks, as determined by a whole raft of assorted metrics; and
WHEREAS: Few things manage to hit my personal joy button as quickly as (a) looking at pretty girls in bikinis and other scant clothing, and (b) superficial guitar-based music about cruising for same;

The management now presents this little trifle for your amusement:

The song is “Summertime Girls” by a band called Y&T; you may remember hearing this in the classic Val Kilmer movie Real Genius (if I recall, it’s playing over the scene in which the geniuses have turned the hallway of their dorm into a skating rink).

Ahhhh… bad lip synching, checkered short-shorts, male belly shirts (revealing genuine male bellies instead of today’s unnaturally defined six-packs), really big boombox steroes, hot chicks in t-shirts that read “Choose me,” and the casual weirdness of mid-80s music videos. (Why, for instance, would you wear a leather vest to the beach? Or pour motor oil on yourself while suntanning? What’s up with the guys coming out of the fake boulder in the beginning? Or the grenade launcher? Or the robot trudging across the beach? Who the hell knows… it was the Awesome ’80s, man!) God, I love this silly stuff.

Amusing details to watch for: there’s a sign near the beginning that prohibits accordion solos, and I think the poindexter being hit up by the panhandling hara krishna at about the 2:16 mark might be Tim Kazurinsky of Saturday Night Live fame. He would’ve been on SNL around the same time this was video was made. But then if this actor was a pretty well-known TV star of the time, you’d think he would’ve had more to do in the video, so maybe it isn’t Kazurinsky after all. I can’t tell for sure.

In any event, I do feel better this morning than I did last time I blogged. Even if it is because I’ve escaped into my usual nostalgic fantasies. Sometimes you just gotta try and remember what it was like to be 15 years old and still thinking that life was nothing but good times and wonder…


3 comments on “When You Lift Me Up

  1. Ilya

    I have no nostalgia to speak of related to this clip, but I’m with you, Jason, that it is fun to watch… The whole “joy button” thing…

  2. jason

    Glad you enjoyed it, Ilya! I sometimes wonder if I’m being too self-indulgent with stuff like this, and if anyone’s having fun with it except me…

  3. Kisintin

    This is what David lee Roth did, post Van Halen 🙂
    The dude does look a bit like Tim K. Although I think Tim was shorter, as evident from the Police Academy movies.