Old Movie, Pretty People

I’m having one of those “too busy to go to the bathroom, let alone write anything that means anything” days, so why don’t we just take a moment to push back from our desks, breathe slowly, and gaze upon an image of two lovely people:

Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara in The Black Swan

If you haven’t figured it out from the available evidence, this is Tyrone Power and Maureen O’Hara, starring here in an old pirate movie called The Black Swan, which I have to admit I’ve never seen. I’ve only seen a couple of Tyrone Power movies, actually — off the top of my head, all I can think of are his take on Zorro and Brigham Young — so I don’t really have a strong mental picture that immediately leaps to mind when I hear his name. Am I crazy, or does he look rather like 1970s-vintage Sean Connery in this shot?

Credit where it’s due: I ganked the photo from Lileks, who, incidentally, has finally converted his Bleat into a genuine blog (i.e., he’s now publishing it with WordPress instead of the hand-built labor of love he’s been creating day by day for the last umpteen years; on the positive side, he’s finally got a reliable RSS feed so I can include him in my aggregator instead of having to remember to click over to his site). And why did I steal this particular image, a screengrab from something Lileks was watching on DVD the other night? No reason, really — I just like looking at attractive people in Technicolor. And there is that Sean Connery thing. That’s just… weird…


2 comments on “Old Movie, Pretty People

  1. Konstantin

    Ucanny. Even the eyebrow lift.
    Although Connery’s was the other eyebrow.

  2. jason

    Um… let’s say somebody flopped the negative… 🙂