Status Report

One of my three loyal readers sent me an instant message this afternoon which said, essentially, “update your damn blog already.” So I guess I ought to pop in and explain that, no, I have not been run over by a monorail, kidnapped by Somali pirates, or deported to the Phantom Zone to spend eternity sandwiched between Ursa and Non. Not that being sandwiched with Ursa would necessarily be a bad thing. I used to have this Superman II program book with lots of glossy pictures, you see, and I thought she was much more interesting than scrawny old Lois Lane, what with those slits on the arms and legs of her outfit.

But I digress, and I haven’t even gotten started yet.

The thing is, something happened over my holiday break that I want to write about, and it’s turning out to be a difficult entry for reasons that will become clear when I finally post the thing. I don’t mean to be cryptic — many of you out there already know what I’m talking about — it’s just… I want to do justice to this topic, and it’s taking time to get it right. Or to get it at all. I don’t have writer’s block exactly, but it’s… well, again, it’s just not an easy thing to write.

I’ll try to throw out some bones to satisfy those who need a Bennion fix, but just be aware that I’m rather preoccupied by this one item right now.


4 comments on “Status Report

  1. steph

    ???? Okay, what the heck? Hurry with the info!

  2. Brian Greenberg

    Good luck with it. I hope all is well…

  3. jason

    Thanks, Brian – things are basically okay.
    Steph, I’m doing my best… 🙂

  4. Jen B

    I was gone as long as you were, so I didn’t know anything was up! I hope everything’s okay, and I guess we’ll hear from you when we hear from you. 🙂