Bar Noir

Here’s a random bit of flotsam I’ve been intending to post for a while, a really cool photo of the great silent-film comedian Buster Keaton taken late in his life:

I found it over at Booksteve’s Library, where it’s theorized that this image has something to do with a number of beer commercials Keaton made for television in the 1950s. (Ironic, considering Keaton was an alcoholic.)

As I said, I’ve been meaning to post it anyway because I like Keaton and I like the moody, noir-ish atmosphere captured in the pic. But it’s got some special significance to me tonight, as I sit alone with my thoughts in a dark and quiet house. I’m feeling pretty moody myself, for reasons I’ll explain later. In the meantime, just enjoy this uncommon look at a genuine Hollywood legend…
