Christmas with the Doctors

If I was embarrassed by the level of my own geekery on display in the previous entry, than this one is going to be downright mortifying. Still, it made me laugh, so I figured it was worth passing on, although you’ll have to be something of a geek yourself to see the humor:

This is a clip from a BBC sketch comedy show called Dead Ringers. I’m not familiar with it, but they certainly live up to the name in this piece. The guy playing the Fourth Doctor especially amazes me; he doesn’t particularly look like Tom Baker, but the voice and, my god, the laugh are uncanny. Good stuff!

My thanks to SamuraiFrog, who is pretty uncanny himself in his ability to find stuff like this…


3 comments on “Christmas with the Doctors

  1. Konstantin

    Gees. I actually spend about 2 minutes figuring out who they were impersonating. The first guy looked and sounded uncanny like David Tennant. It’s not until I saw the other dude from the recent series and made the connection. I am slow.
    Please don’t take away my geek badge.

  2. jason

    Naw, your badge is safe, Konstantin. The older Doctors are pretty esoteric unless you’re a hardcore nerd like myself, and some of these impersonations are better than others…