Ghosts of TV Christmases Past

BetaMaXmas screengrab

In case you haven’t noticed, I devote a lot of my energies around this place to memorializing, eulogizing, or otherwise trying to recapture, through whatever magic my words may posses, the recent past: the pre-digital, pre-Internet, pre-adult-responsibility (for me, anyhow) era of the 1970s and ’80s. But sometimes words just aren’t up to the task. Sometimes a little visual aid is helpful. So, for those whippersnappers in the audience who never knew The Way Things Used to Be and for you older folks who still pine for 1985 — you know you do, just admit it! — allow me to present BetaMaXmas.

This fun little website runs YouTube clips of old Christmas specials, holiday-themed episodes of ’80s-vintage sitcoms (watch for a mulleted George Clooney on The Facts of Life!), and appropriate vintage commercials and music videos, all of which would be entertaining enough on its own. But what makes BetaMaXmas a real treasure is the cleaver virtual environment, which you can see in the screengrab above. Yes, kids, that’s really what the world used to look like: tacky wood-veneer paneling, ugly upholstery, a TV screen smaller than the window on a modern microwave oven, and of course the rabbit-ear antennae that make a snowy picture, um, somewhat less snowy. (You can even manipulate the rabbit-ears, for the full old-tymey effect!) The Star Wars poster peeking out from behind the Christmas tree is an especially nice touch, I thought, and don’t neglect to click on the copy of TV Guide up in the corner.

And now if you’ll excuse me, a Very Special Episode of Alf is about to begin, so I’m going to pour myself some ‘nog and put my feet up…

(Via Boing Boing, of course.)
