The Ultimate Rickroll

For the record, I think “Rickrolling” is one of the lamest, most annoying Internet memes ever cooked up — as I noted recently, I don’t like practical jokes and/or pranks, and this particular bait-and-switch is really obnoxious if you’re trying to find something on YouTube or elsewhere and you end up with this crap instead — but I gotta say, the big moment in this morning’s Macy’s Parade was inspired:

Bravo to Rick Astley for playing along, and boo to that doofus Matt Lauer for ruining the surprise. Now, how many folks watching out there in the heartland do you suppose actually got the joke?


2 comments on “The Ultimate Rickroll

  1. Cranky Robert

    What a strange world we live in.

  2. jason

    Amen to that, brother!