Care to Go for a Spin?

It was nice this afternoon, unseasonably warm, and I’ve been feeling antsy all day because a bout of insomnia last night completely hosed my ability to focus, so I decided to walk down to the local bookstore during my lunch and pick up something I’ve been meaning to buy for a while. I’m used to encountering homeless people and/or eccentrics along the way, but I rarely take note of what they’re doing unless they’re somehow threatening.

Today, however, I couldn’t help but do a double-take at the sixty-something guy in a bright blue parka who was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, his face tilted up toward the sky, arms straight out as he spun himself around and around in a tight circle, like a toddler who’s just figured out how to make themselves dizzy. If you’ve been reading this blog for any time at all, I’m sure you know what he reminded me of:

I watched the guy for a couple of minutes, but he never did transform into his superhero identity. He must’ve forgotten a vital step…


6 comments on “Care to Go for a Spin?

  1. chenopup

    Maybe he was spinning to the left instead of the right?
    Come to think of it, what a horrible way to have “change” into your alter ego. Whipping around until your head’s spinning and sloshing and then pull out of it like nothing’s happened, ready to fight crime. I’d imagine the first few times, Wonder Woman just fell to one side onto the villains.

  2. jason

    Hm… that wouldn’t be so bad, having Wonder Woman fall on you. 🙂
    I think in the early episodes, the spinning thing was supposed to be more of a superfast clothes change like Superman does, wasn’t it?

  3. Kisintin

    What’s with the blue latex suit in the last 20 seconds or so?

  4. jason

    Not sure… I was only a casual viewer of WW back in the day and I don’t remember ever seeing the full body suit. Must’ve been a “special mission outift” or something…

  5. Brian Greenberg

    Looks like a wetsuit to me. Maybe she had to go into the water?

  6. jason

    That would be my guess…