Election Day Netcrap

Feeling keyed up about long lines at your polling place and the fate of the entire universe hanging in the balance? Here’s a little something to break the tension:

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Billy Dee still looks pretty good, doesn’t he? Ah, if only the Lando-Chewie ticket had been available in my galaxy…

3 comments on “Election Day Netcrap

  1. Kisintin

    Why would anybody think that Star Wars fans are wussies?
    Strange. Funny though!

  2. Kisintin

    I just realized that I commented on the clip following Calrissian one, where star war geeks fight punks.

  3. jason

    I didn’t watch that clip, but I think Star Wars geeks would probably be outmatched by punks… it’s not wussy to run away if you know you’re going to lose badly…