Pre-Election Jitters

I’ve had a fairly slow day at work, and usually that leads to much bloggage, but today I just haven’t been able to zero in on any particular topic on which I wanted to bloviate. I think I’m distracted by the building sense of anticipation and, yes, anxiety for tomorrow’s election. I’m trying

not to worry too much about it — after all, I’ve already cast my vote and whoever is going to win is going to win — but damn it, doesn’t it seem like we’re on the verge of something big here? Can’t you sense the huge, rushing something gathering strength out there in the night? Like the crackling electrical potential you sometimes feel in advance of an approaching thunderstorm? One of my friends e-mailed earlier today and said he feels like “I feel like I’m six years old and going to Disneyland tomorrow.”

That’s one way to describe it, I guess. Personally, my feelings are a bit more like the harsh yet vivid image Andrew Sullivan came up with the other day:

The more I think about it the more this election day feels like one giant collective, global puke. That Bush-Cheney thing never quite settled with us, did it? We’ll feel a lot better but a lot more tired once the last heave is over.

Coffee probably doesn’t sound too appetizing after that, but just as a public service, I’ll pass along the following word anyhow: Starbucks will be giving out free cups of joe tomorrow. All you have to do is tell them you voted. Pretty sweet way to encourage democracy, don’t you think?

Have a good pre-election day evening, everyone, and if you haven’t voted early, remember to get out and do it in the morning!


5 comments on “Pre-Election Jitters

  1. Jen B

    Steve and I both voted early. 🙂 What’s done is done.
    The world won’t end tomorrow, no matter what happens… All of humanity wants the same basic things; we just all have different ideas of what the best way to go about it happens to be. I just want to get through it all and still like my neighbor, even if he voted differently than I did.

  2. Jen B

    Oh, and I also heard that Ben and Jerry’s is giving away free scoops of ice cream to anyone who says they voted. 🙂 Since I’m not a coffee drinker, that is probably more up my alley… 🙂

  3. jason

    Ah, excellent news on the B&J… maybe I’ll go get some Cherry Garcia after I have my coffee! 😉

  4. Cranky Robert

    Cranky Robert’s Agenda for Tuesday, November 4:
    1) Vote (check)
    2) Look at Jason’s blog (check)
    3) Shower
    4) Try to work
    5) Check news websites even though there’s no news yet
    6) Look up “bloviate”
    7) Give up trying to work
    8) Go to Starbuck’s
    9) Go to Ben & Jerry’s
    10) Take a nap to kill time until #11
    11) Go to friend’s house to watch election returns
    If Obama wins:
    12) Drink champagne until intoxicated
    If McCain wins:
    13) Drink until intoxicated (I blew this money on champagne, it will do)

  5. jason

    That sounds like a good plan, Robert… and hey, either way, you get to drink champagne, right?