TV Title Sequences: Battlestar Galactica

In light of the occasion, how could I not post this particular title sequence?

For you trivia hounds out there, this is not the title sequence from the premiere movie that aired thirty years ago tonight. “Saga of a Star World” had more cinematic titles, without the “mugshot” visuals of the cast, simply words receding into the distance, something like the titles for Superman: The Movie, which I believe had debuted earlier that summer.

These titles came with the show’s first regular episode; the sequence was later shortened somewhat, and the opening voiceover by Patrick Macnee was dropped. A pity… I always liked that voiceover. Yeah, I suppose the “life here began out there” angle sounds silly now, but back in the day this stuff raised the hair on our arms, kids… because we had these things called imaginations.


4 comments on “TV Title Sequences: Battlestar Galactica

  1. Kisintin

    Ah, the pre-‘Faceman’ Dirk Benedict.

  2. jason

    Yep… Dirk was Da Man.

  3. Brian Greenberg

    Yeah – today we have no imaginations. Instead, we have space stations.

  4. jason

    Well, yeah, if you’re going to bring the real world into the conversation… sheesh.
    (If I really wanted to be a curmudgeon, though, I’d point out that vast numbers of people, especially younger people, couldn’t care less about that station, or the shuttle, or going back to the moon; Facebook and So You Think You Can Dance are soooo much more compelling.)