The Smooth One? Okay…

So far, it’s been a crazy-busy week, which always sets me on edge and leaves me worrying that my loyal readers are even now deleting their bookmarks to this woefully un-updated corner of the blogosphere. To try and demonstrate that I’ve not forsaken you all and left this place to gather cobwebs, I offer a silly Internet quiz, courtesy of my friend Puffbird:

Your result for The Social Proficiency Test…


You scored a total of 32 out of 43!

For the most part you blend into social gatherings easily. You are honest and generally polite. Every now and then you let something slip out that should be kept quiet but you tend to know how to recover and get back in the mix. You generally want to know about other people but often times care a little more about whats going on with you.

Take The Social Proficiency Test at HelloQuizzy

With any luck, I’ll be back later with something more substantial…


2 comments on “The Smooth One? Okay…

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Hey…you and me both!
    Maybe it means we’re Santana fans?

  2. jason

    Hm… could be, could be…