
5 comments on “Just in Case This Ever Comes Up…

  1. The Girlfriend

    Interesting, I got the same response.

  2. Ilya Burlak

    I got 1 minute, 3 seconds. Probably, because I answered “Some martial arts training” on the strength of taking a couple of years of judo in middle school. The only thing I remember from that is how to hit the floor rolling…

  3. jason

    I’m sure that will come in handy when a bloodthirsty dinosaur is hurling itself at your throat… 🙂

  4. Brian Greenberg

    I got 32 seconds.
    Three thoughts:
    First: I’m a big fan of any quiz that defines me (5′ 5.5″) as “Average” and not “Short.”
    Second: “Where would you rather be? Top Bunk, Bottom Bunk, On the floor?” I took this to mean while the velociraptor is chained to the bed. Who would answer anything but Top Bunk?
    Third: I would submit that screaming when something bites your arm off should not be labeled “sissy” behavior.

  5. jason

    I’m with you Brian, on all three points (I’m 5’7″ on a good day, 5’6″ in my usual slouchy posture… and you can damn well bet I’d be raising the roof if something took off my arm!)