There’s a Car in My Lobby

I walked into my place of employment this morning to find a Smart car sitting in the lobby. The rather smallish lobby. Of my 100-year-old office building. A car.

With a parking ticket on the dashboard.

Apparently it was driven right through the front door — which is not particularly grand or spacious, I must add — sometime over the weekend.*

You know, there are a lot of things about working for an advertising agency that frustrate the hell out of me. But there are a lot of really awesome things as well. Like finding automobiles in front of the receptionist’s desk on a Monday morning…

* For the record, the door was open at the time — no broken glass or anything like that.


2 comments on “There’s a Car in My Lobby

  1. the girlfriend

    Alrighty. You do work in an interesting environment.

  2. jason

    Between this morning’s stunt and the life-size “dead body” floor decals from last Halloween, I’d say you are correct, dear. 🙂