Dancing 2008

My friend Erin posted a link to this clip earlier today, with the comment that it makes her happy every time she sees it, and “It’s just nice to know, with all the divisiveness and conflict in the world today, that there are still some things that are universal.”

I’ll be damned if watching it didn’t make me feel happy, too. See if you don’t agree:

It comes from the website of a guy named Matt, who apparently wanders the world and dances. Not a bad way to spend your life, actually. And not a bad way to start a long holiday weekend after a really long week… have a good one, kids.


One comment on “Dancing 2008

  1. chenopup

    Great video – I followed this guy for about a year back in 05 or 06 but totally forgot he was out there. Nothing like dancing around the world to bring a smile and feeling of unity to everyone.