The Rules are Simple…

Just for fun, here’s the prologue from Escape from New York, which explains the premise behind the film:

As I said in the previous entry, this was pretty mind-bending stuff when I was a wee lad. It still raises the hair on my arms, to be honest. It’s perfectly executed, with its combination of groovy early-80s synth music, imitation computer graphics (hand-drawn animation, I believe), and the perfect female voiceover artist… not to mention the tongue-in-cheek irony of “Liberty Island Security Control.” It’s a bloody shame Hollywood has forgotten how to make solidly entertaining B-grade fare like this, which was well aware of its basic silliness but still managed to somehow be thought-provoking and cool, unlike most of the A-level spectaculars we get nowadays.

But then I’m well on my way to grumpy-old-manhood, and I suppose this is just another case of getting uptight at the damn kids playing on my lawn…
