Monday Afternoon YouTube Theater

So what does it say about me that people keep sending me video clips that have something to do with Star Wars and/or Indiana Jones? Do you think I’ve finally blown my cover and people are beginning to get the idea that I’m secretly a raving fanboy? And here I’ve tried so hard to be subtle about it…

Anyhow, the first clip is courtesy of my friend and co-worker Karen, who has a thing for the smaller and cuter varieties of camelids. As this video proves, however, she might want to be wary. An adorable, woolly face can conceal sinister intentions…

After watching that, I honestly don’t know whether I should run for cover or say, “Awwww…”

If alpacas aren’t your speed, here’s something sent to me by Brian that I’ve been meaning to post for a couple of weeks (sorry, Brian — bet you thought I’d forgotten!). It’s a rough animatic leaked from ILM showing Uncle George’s plans for a special edition of Raiders of the Lost Ark that’s more in line with his current thinking about when our heroes should and should not fire their weapons. Thankfully, these plans were shelved following the Great Fanboy Wars of 1997-2005:


3 comments on “Monday Afternoon YouTube Theater

  1. Kisintin

    The first clip was creepy. If I ever so a pack of animals moving towards me with such purposefullness, squinty-eyed stare and all, I’d probably ran away, or reatreated to a safer firing position. Or called-in an air-strike.

  2. jason

    They are rather ominous-looking, aren’t they? It’s like they’re all about to smother you in their soft, cuddly coats…

  3. Karen

    Ominous, yet cute.