Overheard at Tonight’s Police Concert

Woman: I find it pretty easy to spend your money.

Man: Yeah, I’ve noticed.

Woman: Hey, I let you have sex with me!

Man: So you’re saying that I’m exchanging my goods and services for sex?

Woman: Yep.

Man: You know there’s a word for that, right?

Woman: Yep. Marriage.


Well, I thought it was amusing…


4 comments on “Overheard at Tonight’s Police Concert

  1. steph

    How did you like the concert? Mike and I thought they were soooo much better in Vegas. Oh well. Sting still looked good to me.

  2. jason

    Anne and I really enjoyed them, but then we haven’t seen them before so have nothing to compare them to. What didn’t you like about their sound compared to the Vegas show? Their playing, the sound mix, being outside, etc.?
    And yes, Sting is one handsome fellow… makes me feel inadequate as a man. 😉

  3. steph

    I think the biggest difference we noticed was that in Vegas they all seemed so much more INTO the music. Sting had such a presence onstage at that show, and we just didn’t feel it this time. But, after discussing it, I mean these guys have been touring now for about a year and a half. I’d just wanna go home if I were them. Dang.

  4. jason

    Interesting – I don’t know how Anne felt (since she’s not here right now), but I thought Sting and the others seemed very engaged with what they were doing. Stewart Copeland on drums especially. But as I said, I have no other performances to refer to…