Kevin Bacon’s Birthday and a Footloose Remake?


So, I was just out to my mom’s place and happened to catch a few minutes of EntertainmentInsideHollywoodAccessTonight, and what I heard during those few minutes utterly blew my mind: today is Kevin Bacon’s fiftieth birthday.

Let me repeat that: Kevin Bacon — one of my favorite actors, the star of one of my favorite movies (Footloose), the guy who brought to life the quintessential 1980s “rebel with a cause” (Ren McCormack, one of my many heroes during my high school years), the guy who everyone else is only six degrees away from — has just hit the half-century mark.

And if that isn’t alarming enough, they also said that there’s a big-screen remake of Footloose in the works starring the tween sensation du jour, Zac Efron.

I’m going to go lie down with a cool cloth on my head now. God, I feel old…


2 comments on “Kevin Bacon’s Birthday and a Footloose Remake?

  1. Amber

    I can relate. I learned today that they are remaking Highlander.
    I’m at a loss for words at the moment.
    And yeah, I guess I’m old, too.

  2. jason

    There have always been remakes, of course, but it’s just been ridiculous the last few years. It’s like H’wood is trying to recreate an entire generation’s movies, and I don’t quite know why. It seems like their used to be a decent interval between the original and the remake — forty years between King Kongs, for example — but no more.