Boom De Yada

This seems to be making its way around the InterWebs — I picked it up from Ilya — and it amused me enough to want to jump on the bandwagon:

As I wrote in comments over at Ilya’s, it isn’t often that a frickin’ commercial makes me smile like a little kid, but this one sure did. Of course, it probably helps that I start recognizing people about midway through. Kudos to whoever thought to include Stephen Hawking in there; his synthetic, monotype Cylon voice ironically seems to add an extra dose of humanity to this sort of thing…


4 comments on “Boom De Yada

  1. chenopup

    Ahhh, amidst the political crap and turmoil, the world is actually a pretty cool place.
    thanks for sharing, Jas.

  2. jason

    My pleasure. It’s good to feel that child-like sense of wonder for a moment, isn’t it? Even if it does end on a sales pitch… 🙂

  3. Ilya Burlak

    Funny thing is, I almost never watch the Discovery Channel… But this clip echoes my desire to see the world and all of its different wonders rather neatly…

  4. jason

    Same here… I recognize a few of these shows (The GF likes a little Discovery, among all her other “real” programming), but mostly it’s just the idea that’s being presented here, that it’s a wide world filled with amazing things…