I’m Not Old, You Little Whippersnapper…

Okay, I’m officially tired of summer. That didn’t take long, did it? Blame a crowded, sweltering train ride into town this morning.

Of course, my sour mood wasn’t helped by the nicely dressed, very young man — did I mention he was very young? — who offered me his seat so I didn’t have to stand in the aisle. He insisted upon me taking his seat, actually, despite my polite refusals. I don’t quite understand his zeal considering that I am not (a) visibly disabled, (b) grotesquely overweight, or (c) all that old. I may have some gray in my beard, but give me a break, kid. Those Foundation for a Better Life PSAs are maybe a little too effective…


2 comments on “I’m Not Old, You Little Whippersnapper…

  1. Cranky Robert

    I’m not old.
    I’m not old. I’m 37.
    Well, I can’t just call you “man.”
    You could say “Dennis.”
    Well, I didn’t know you were called “Dennis.”
    You didn’t bother to find out, did you?

  2. jason

    Yep, that’s pretty much exactly how my conversation with the Ridiculously Polite Young Man went.