Want to Know How My Day at Work Has Been Going?

Um… I really have nothing to say about this, but it was so magnificently daft that I simply had to share:

To create a install script to update the binary on the target computer, you need to create an install script.

Circular logic at its finest, eh? Pretty much everything I’ve proofread all bloody day has looked something like that…


7 comments on “Want to Know How My Day at Work Has Been Going?

  1. chenopup

    Saving the world, one install script at a time.

  2. Cranky Robert

    I . . . um . . . oh, wait . . . er . . . well . . . I don’t even know how to make a good joke out of that.

  3. Jen B

    … um… I’m speechless. D:

  4. Ilya Burlak

    Sounds like so many other technical literature. Oh wait! Normally, there would be “… that will automatically update the binary[/ies] on the target computer” at the end of the sentence…

  5. jason

    Ilya, I’ll probably see that revision this afternoon!

  6. The Girlfriend

    Oops. That last message was actually from Jason. I used his computer to post a comment over the weekend and he must not have changed the name back. 🙂

  7. jason

    Doh! Stupid auto-complete doohickey… I’ve fixed it now…