So I Like Science Fiction, Somebody Got a Problem With That?

I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy and I have no idea what’s really going on in this scene — how the hell does a guy get encased in concrete anyhow? — but I thought this speech was awesome, for reasons that will become obvious:

That would definitely boost my ego if I’d somehow done such a lame-o thing as getting myself encased in concrete. Nice shout-out to the Expanded Universe, too, with the mention of the Solo twins. There’s either a major fan in the writer’s room of Grey’s or they’ve got some good research assistants…



2 comments on “So I Like Science Fiction, Somebody Got a Problem With That?

  1. Jaquandor

    He’s the kid who’s always doing to dumb stuff he’s dared to do in order to stay friends with “the cool kids”, and in this case he was dared to jump into a pool of cement, not realizing that it was quick-drying cement, and his friends didn’t realize something was amiss until he’d dried in there.
    And I saw that scene with no idea it was coming! I nearly stood up and cheered. (Yeah, big “Grey’s” fan here.)

  2. jason

    Ah, well that explains that then! Thanks for the enlightenment…