So I Guess I’m an Entertainment Writer Now…

Simple Tricks and Nonsense at Blogged

A couple days ago, I got an email from someone called Amy at something called, informing me that “[her] editors recently reviewed [my] blog and have given it an 8.1 score out of (10) in the Entertainment category of” Suspicious, cynical man that I am, I naturally assumed that the message was some variety of spam or maybe even a highly targeted phishing scheme. However, the fact that everything in the message was spelled correctly gave me the sense that it might be for real, so I thought I’d do a little googling when I had a free moment and try to determine what this thing was all about. It turns out that it is indeed a legit operation. This site describes it as “an online directory for all the blogs in the world. …a catalog that offers information on the entire blog and its overall content.” Which is actually a pretty cool idea, if rather ambitious (all the blogs in the world? How many do you suppose that is? Would it really be possible to catalog them all?).

I must admit, I’m flattered that my humble little scribblings here (a) attracted the notice of this sort of organization, and (b) that I scored quite highly in the eyes of those mysterious editors, whoever they may be. It’s a nice pat on the head to have some maybe-professional say my stuff is “great.” However, I’m not sure what to think of Simple Tricks being pigeonholed as an “entertainment blog.” I know I write a lot about movies and TV, but I think of this place as my personal blog, not an entertainment blog in the sense of something like, say, ScreenRant or even Jaime Weinman’s Something Old, Nothing New. My purpose here is to write about whatever happens to be on my mind… which I suppose the evidence would show tends to be movies and television. I don’t know… maybe it’s just the idea of being so easily categorized that rubs me the wrong way, or perhaps it’s the notion that I might be somewhat single-minded (and hence, potentially, kinda boring). Anyone have any thoughts on this?


2 comments on “So I Guess I’m an Entertainment Writer Now…

  1. Ilya Burlak

    I’d be concerned if the categorization were patently wrong, but in your case, it’s very close. Remember a few weeks ago some other blogger commended you for always “having the goods”? I am pretty sure he was referring to your most prevalent subject…
    I enjoy most of your posts but if I were to have to describe you, the words “movie buff” were likely to be the first ones out. But then, they are in your tagline…
    I don’t think it spells single-mindedness in any way – rather, a level of expertize in a certain field and willingness to confidently exploit that. If you were categorized as, say, child-rearing expert, then I would be concerned…

  2. jason

    Heh… yes, calling me an expert in child-rearing would certainly be a sign of somebody not doing their homework! 🙂
    Thanks for the thoughts, Ilya. I guess what troubled me about this was the disconnect between my self-image about what I’m doing here and what others actually see, if that makes sense. Quite frankly, I hadn’t realized/considered how much I really write about entertainment subjects. I guess, however, that they are what’s on my mind much of the time… which I suppose is fine, as long as you folks out there don’t mind reading about it…