Happy Birthday, Hubble!


The Bad Astronomer reminds us that today is the 18th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. It’s hard to believe that Hubble has been sending back incredible photos of the universe around us for nearly two decades. Time flies.
To celebrate the anniversary, NASA has released 59 images of galaxies colliding with other galaxies, the largest collection of Hubble images ever released to the public in a single package. The image above contains some highlights. Click on it to see ’em large, or go here for the complete gallery.

Good stuff, Maynard!


2 comments on “Happy Birthday, Hubble!

  1. steph

    Hey, I forgot to ask you. Ryan is really getting into science and space. He wants a telescope for his birthday. Do you know where I can get him one with out breaking the bank?

  2. jason

    Wow, Steph, off the top of my head I’d suggest talking to someone at the Clark Planetarium, at the Gateway. I know they sell ‘scopes there, and can probably tell you where to go if you don’t like (or can’t afford) their selection…