An Exercise in Stating the Obvious

I was A Master!
I scored 86/100 on theClassic Guitar Solo Quiz

Can you identify classic rock songs by listening to their guitar solos?Quiz by Ibanez Guitar Blog


The text that didn’t get reproduced from the quiz site (and which inspired the title of this entry) reads: “You are a Master! You’re either an old man or a serious throwback!”

Um, yeah. We won’t comment any further on that…


5 comments on “An Exercise in Stating the Obvious

  1. Ilya Burlak

    I scored 19/100 and was told to clean out my ears… Then again, I was never much for rock music…

  2. steph

    I suck. 27/100

  3. jason

    Considering that most of the clips used in this quiz were from the early 70s, I think you’d need to be something of a connoisseur of this sort of music to do really well on this quiz. I never thought of myself in those terms — hell, I just assumed that everybody has heard “All Right Now” the same 457,000 times that I have — but I guess my quiz results show otherwise…

  4. Tiff

    Hmm. 60/100, not too bad for someone that was born in the mid 70s. I grew up with my dad in a rock ‘n roll band, so that probably helps.

  5. Cranky Robert

    I scored 41, but the only one I got correct without guessing was about the Beatles. I suck.