It Is What It Is

This morning as I was driving over to the train station, I heard the song “Jessie’s Girl” by my main man Rick Springfield… on KODJ. That’s the local oldies station, if you don’t know.

Then, coming home on the train tonight, I was serenaded by a couple of sweaty, pubescent twelve-year-old boys with dumb haircuts who were wearing baggy jeans and way-oversized hoodies covered in skulls. They were singing “I’m Turning Japanese.”

I honestly don’t know which of these two events made me feel more over the hill.

At least the kids weren’t being mocking or ironic — they were, in fact, behaving like this moldy chestnut was a really cool and funny song. Which it is. And at least Rick’s back on the radio somewhere.

I’m rationalizing, aren’t I?

Sigh. I’m going to go put on a sweater and lay in a supply of rocks for chasing the damn kids off my lawn…
