The Ultimate Doctor Who Title Mix

Well, enough of that nasty politics stuff. Let’s get back to some hardcore geeking, shall we?

Courtesy of Michael May comes this interesting video clip, a mash-up of all the title sequences for the TV series Doctor Who. It’s fairly long, and probably only of interest to fans, but I find it pretty fascinating to see how the music and title effects have evolved over 45 years while still remaining instantly recognizable. The biggest difference, really, is one of pacing; the newer sequences are visually and aurally much, much faster. And that is probably a fine commentary on our times, when you think about it…


2 comments on “The Ultimate Doctor Who Title Mix

  1. Vince O'Connor

    Great find! I love Dr. Who, with Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee my favorites of the first incarnation. I was very hesitant when they brought it back, but the level of writing overall has been incredible. So has the increased depth of both the The Doctor’s character and the relationship with his companions. Sci Fi Channel has announced Season 4 of Dr. Who will begin in April, and they’ll start running The Sarah Jane Adventures, which centers on Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen), former companion to the Doctor, who investigates offbeat mysteries with her young friends Maria, Luke and Clyde.

  2. jason

    Glad you enjoyed it, Vince – I’m a Tom Baker guy myself, although I also enjoyed Pertwee and Peter Davison. I haven’t seen much of the other originals, so I don’t an opinion on them.
    As for the new Who, I’ve only seen the first season, and I really like what I’ve seen. The whole thing just feels a lot more grown-up and real, while also honoring the original incarnation. I really like that it’s an update and a new take on the concept, but not a total reboot.
    I love Sarah Jane! Probably my favorite of the original companions… I didn’t know she’d gotten her own show, so thanks for the tip. I’ll have to look for it…