The Latest THX Trailer

Back in my days of working at the multiplex, Lucasfilm’s THX sound-system standard was still something of a novelty, at least in these parts, and to a bunch of teenaged and early-20s ushers, it was a Very Big Deal indeed. We were proud of the fact that our theater — Cinemark’s Sandy Movies 7, later called Movies 9 — was the first in the state to earn that coveted certification. I remember many debates about which of THX’s iconic trailers was coolest — I’ve always preferred the basic “Broadway” one, although the recent “Moo-Can” trailer amuses me — but I think this one probably has them all beat:

It’s kind of a creepy little animal, actually… what the hell is it? Anyone?


4 comments on “The Latest THX Trailer

  1. steph

    Looks like it could be a tarsier but I could be wrong.

  2. steph

    Dang I keep watching it. The more I watch it, the more I laugh each time.

  3. jason

    It’s the eyes… they’re hypnotizing you!

  4. chenopup

    I remember feeling that way the first time I heard / saw the THX trailer. Guess I’ve never looked into anyone’s eyes while it was playing 😉