An Observation

So, when you’re taking a sick day from work because you’re suffering through a nasty case of food poisoning brought on by a bad tub of Bacon ‘n’ Onion-flavor chip dip, and you’re dozing intermittently in front of the TV, Gatorade commercials set to the tune of “Carmina Burana” are an evil thing. I don’t remember the dream, but it had something to do with mounted Klingons thundering across a vast plain beneath a glowering sky.

In full-on clown make-up.

Yeah, just try to get some rest after that one, I dare you…


4 comments on “An Observation

  1. Derek Smith

    I think you just tapped into the space-time continuum and caught a glimpse of the opening scene of J. J. Abram’s new Star Trek. Lucky!

  2. jason

    Klingon clowns… so very, very scary… *shudder*!

  3. chenopup

    Were the Klingons mounted on other Klingons and wearing clown masks? That would give me the creeps too… Worse than any National Geographic show.

  4. jason

    No, no clown masks. They had regular old paste make up on over their nasty head ridges and mustachios. And I don’t recall exactly what they were riding, except that the beasties were big, sweaty and black. Kind of like the Ringwraiths’ horses in Lord of the Rings, I suppose.
    Seriously nasty.