What Beatle Am I?

Funny, I would’ve guessed I’d be Ringo…

What Beatle Are You?

John Lennon
John Lennon
You relate most to singer/songwriter John Lennon. You have a creative mind that appeals to a specific people. You are likely to cross people who don’t believe in your utopian ideals, but this does not deter your pursuits. You want nothing more than a brotherhood of man and peace on earth…
How do you compare?
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…but then I did put up that pacificistic LOLcat photo yesterday, so maybe there’s something to this after all.

[Ed. note: I ended up dropping this behind the fold because it seemed to be screwing up my three-column layout when it was on the front page. Obviously there are some bugs there I need to figure out. In the meantime, sorry to make you click through for so little content…]
