New Look for the New Year

Hey, kids, if you’ve been hanging around the blog today, you may have noticed some weird stuff happening format-wise, culminating in this new three-column arrangement. I’ve been wanting to try a three-column format for some time now; basically, I haven’t liked the aesthetics of all that sidebar information stacked up in a single place, and I also suspect a lot of people never scroll down and thus miss out on stuff. (Perhaps I underestimate people’s willingness to scroll, or overestimate the significance of my sidebar crap, or both. Still.)

Anyway, a little bit of tinkering from me and a big assist from Jack resulted in what you now see here. It’s not perfect — I’d prefer not to have all that white space below the sidebars, and there may be some problems for people using smaller displays (but isn’t pretty much everybody on at least 1024×768 monitors these days?) — but I’m going to give it a go for awhile, especially since Jack has advised me that switching back isn’t the easiest thing in the world.

Let me know what you think of the new look, especially if you’re experiencing any big problems. I’ve tested it on both Firefox and Explorer, so browser choice, at least, shouldn’t be an issue…


3 comments on “New Look for the New Year

  1. Steph

    I like it lots.

  2. chenopup

    looks good from both Firefox and Safari on the Mac –
    My cursor turns into a penis every time I come to the site though…

  3. jason

    Cheno, that’s a special effects module I added, just for you! It’s synced to your IP address, so you’re the only one that sees it! 😉