Christmas Eve Quiz-o-Rama

I’m home from work today and I really should be wrapping presents right now, but instead…

You Are Pop Art

When it comes to art, you’re definitely not a snob.
You can appreciate the mainstream aspects of culture, even if you need to twist them a bit to make them your own.
Whether you’re into comics, retro pinups, or bold colors, you embrace what’s eye catching and simple.
As far as most other art goes, you consider it a little too elitist and high brow for your tastes!


Huh. That’s surprisingly accurate. Read on for more useless but entertaining time-wasting quizzes and their results…

Your Travel Personality Is: The Sophisticate

You’re well educated and cultured, and the places you travel to reflect that.
You appreciate the best art, food, architecture, and local flavor.
A true traveler, you are destined to be multi-lingual and very worldly.


Well, that’s how I like to see myself anyway. Whether or not it’s true is another matter. Moving on to the next one that caught my interest…

Your Mind is PG-13 Rated

Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You’re naughty, but not trashy.
You don’t shy away from a dirty joke, and you’re clearly not a prude.


Huh. Thought sure I’d have a more controversial result on that one. Having a dirty mind of course leads into this next question:

You Are 53% Sexy

Your Sex Appeal Is: High
You’re quite sexy, and you’re probably at least partially aware of your powers.
Don’t let your self doubt ever get the best of you. You’re even more attractive than you know.


Well, that’s reassuring. Except that all this talk of sexiness and dirty minds started me wondering if I qualify for a visit from Santa tonight or if I’ll have to forfeit that whole tradition, so I had to do one more:

You Were Mostly Nice This Year!

Sure, you had your naughty moments… but guess what?
Santa was probably sleeping when you were living it up.
As far as he’s concerned, you’ve been on your best behavior.
So cross your fingers, and you might score good presents.


Ah, good. I was worried there for a minute…
