2007: A Musical Review

As I mentioned the other day, this is the time when everybody starts recapping the previous 12 months, trying to gain some perspective on the year just winding down or at the very least remember just what exactly has gone on lately. In that spirit of recollection, have a look at this:


Love those boys at JibJab. Extra credit to them for playing off Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” a song that I always loved because I knew what more of the events referenced in the lyrics actually were than my friends did. (I’m all about establishing my own intellectual superiority.) In fact, I think Billy ought to revisit that tune once a decade or so, to keep it all up to date. Think of it, Billy Joel, the keeper of recent American history! That’s a much more impressive title than mere musician

(Hat tip to Brian Greenberg, who probably found this specifically because of the Billy Joel connection. It is your destiny, Brian…)

2 comments on “2007: A Musical Review

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Heh…yeah, most things Billy Joel tend to find their way to my inbox eventually, but in this case, it was JibJab, not Billy Joel.
    Greg & Evan Spiradellis, the founders of JibJab, grew up on my block when I was a kid. We used to play kickball in the streets together, ride bikes, etc., etc. So you can imagine my surprise when one day I turn on Jay Leno to find them sitting on the couch with him. We’ve e-mailed a couple of times, and they’ve put me on their mailing lists.
    I remain very impressed with these guys…

  2. jason

    “I remain very impressed with these guys…”
    Agreed… they consistently turn out very creative and damn funny stuff.
    Is there anyone on the InterWebs you don’t have some connection to? 😉