Max Headroom Sings!

Wow… how is it possible that even with my vast collection of ephemera and miscellaneous junk, not to mention my insatiable appetite for trivia and an unceasing affection for the decade I most closely consider my Formative Years — that would be the Awesome 80s, for those who haven’t been paying attention — how is it possible that I have only now discovered that our favorite imitation AI once recorded his very own smarmy Christmas tune? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you “Merry Christmas, Santa Claus (You’re a Lovely Guy)” by Max Headroom:

An immortal classic for sure, right up there with “What Can You Get a Wookiee for Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb).” For the record, I found this fascinating little piece of pop-cultural flotsam here. And I promise this will be the last time I mention M-M-Max Headroom for a while-while-while.
